Playboy Girlfriends V4 2001
- Amy Miller and Roxanne Galla
- Heather Elle and Joy Behrman
- Jenna Gaggere and Misty Atkinson
- Tishara Cousino and Kristi Cline
- Lucie Faubert and Heather Gentry
- Liza Hartling and Maritza Dunn
- Jennifer Rovero and Vanessa Gleason
- Sarina Carruthers and Rebekah Teasdale
- Charis Boyle and Stephanie Wood
- Carol Cunningham and Cynthia Kaye
- Cemma Sutton and Lisette Narvaez
- Laurie Wallace and Remy Marks
- Deena Thackerson and Brooke Mills
- Claire Leng and Abigail Toyne
- Sydney Moon and Sandra Westgate
- Heather Christensen and Madison Marie
- Quinn Koloski and Susan Weiss
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